четверг, 18 июня 2015 г.

Lean Body Workout - Get Ripped Fast

If you're hoping to get ripped fast, you'll must follow a proper lean body exercise program. In other words, you should design a training plan that will produce the specific "lean body results" you want, within the shortest timeframe possible.

Don't waste your time with cookie-cutter routines that you just see other gym-goers doing. Instead, hone in on your own ideal body by using serious amounts of build the most appropriate exercise program. Here are some tips that may take your workouts from average to top-notch, with all the ultimate goal of carving out an amazing lean physique:

Lean Body Workout Tip 1:

Intensity is far superior to duration with regards to losing fat, building lean muscle mass and having ripped fast. Shorten the duration of your workouts - both strength training and cardio sessions - or higher the time and effort level to find out more immediate and specific changes.

Lean Body Workout Tip 2:

Metabolic weight training sessions are definitely the king in the cage if your number 1 goal would be to boost metabolism, burn through stubborn fat around your belly and transform in a hard body. Focus on exercises which involve multiple muscles and utilize heavy weights with low to moderate rep ranges. Stack these exercises back-to-back without having rest to create a highly metabolic circuit workout. This results in a significant "afterburn" effect that burns off additional unwanted fat within the next 12-72 hours.

Lean Body Workout Tip 3: ( Ripped Back Workout )

Perform intense interval cardio sessions on non-weight training days or after your strength training routines. I also recommend getting far from traditional cardio exercises, such as jogging for 45-minutes with a treadmill, and substituting this with weight bearing activities. By working multiple groups of muscles inside your cardio sessions, this gives us more mechanisms by which to lose fat and obtain ripped faster. Remember, muscle repair is a huge reason for the afterburn effect and more lean muscle mass produces a higher resting metabolism.

Do this sample Lean Body Workout:

---> 5-minute dynamic stretching warm-around "start up" muscle fibers

---> Then carry out the following weight lifting exercises back-to-back, without rest, for 9 repetitions:

---> Dumbbell front squats, dumbbell stiff-legged deadlifts, dumbbell bent over rows, dumbbell push-presses, 45-degree alternating lunges holding dumbbells

---> This can be one circuit. Rest for 45 seconds and repeat to get a total of 4 circuits (or less, depending on your current level of fitness).

---> After finishing all circuits, rest 90 seconds and finished the next metabolism-revving body weight exercises for 20 seconds each (perform one circuit, doing each bodyweight exercise back-to-back, as explosively as possible):

---> Explosive push-ups, squat jumps, burpees, shadow boxing, split squat jumps

This workout is extremely challenging and is not the typical, generic routine you'd normally see people doing at your local gym. Because it's more tailored to some certain look (the lean body look), the outcome will probably be far more prompt and prominent.

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