вторник, 7 апреля 2015 г.

Chatroom terms every parent need to know

Chat Room Slang: Chatroom terms every parent ought to know:

2moro - Tomorrow
2nite - Tonight
BRB - Be Back
BTW - Anyway -or- Bring The Wheelchair
B4N - Bye For Now
BCNU - Be Seeing You
BFF - Best Friends Forever -or- Best Friend's Funeral
CYA - Cover Your Ass -or- See Ya
DBEYR - Don't Believe Everything You Read
DILLIGAS - Will I Look Like I Offer A Sh**
FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Disinformation
FWIW - For What It's Worth -or- Forgot Where I Used To Be
GR8 - Great
ILY - I Adore You
IMHO - Within My Humble Opinion
IRL - In Real Life
ISO - Looking For
J/K - Just Kidding
L8R - Later
LMAO - Laughing My Ass Off
LOL - Laughing Out Loud -or- A Lot Of Love -or- Living On Lipitor
LYLAS - Love You Just Like A Sister
MHOTY - My Hat's Off To You
NIMBY - Not During My Outdoor Area
NP - No Problem -or- Nosy Parents
NUB - New person to some site or game
OIC - Oh, I See
OMG - Oh My God
OT - Off Topic
POV - Viewpoint
RBTL - Read In Between The Lines
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Ground Laughing My Ass Off
RT - Live -or- ReTweet
THX or TX or THKS - Thanks
SH - Sh** Happens
SITD - Still At Night
SOL - Sh** At a complete loss -or- In The End
STBY - Sucks Being You
SWAK - Sealed (or Sent) Having A Kiss
TFH - Thread From H

Hkchat slang can be a slang which have been developed and used by users in the Internet. A number of these conditions originated for reducing keystrokes and are often developed in lower caps. Chat room slang is, by its world of matter as well as mind, arduous to clarify the meaning of, specially in chatroom or on fast messaging, because much of it really is nimbly input, and lots of assume, falsely, their formal reception knows their material part tongue. For examples; a LOL may be taken as unadulterated laugh or fling, or as "whatever, avoid me." So, for the end of unerring and simply understandable imparting, it is advisable to be as clear as possible and make an statement to obtain your idea across.

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